# 前言
第一部分根据搭建笔记中的方法完成 Hexo + Shoka 主题 + Github 博客部署。
2022-07-02,成都,下午,继续更新全局搜索 + 评论~
第二部分根据 Hexo 主题 Shoka & mumulti-markdown-it 渲染器使用说明 完成全局搜索 + 评论。
第三部分根据 Hexo 框架 (六):SEO 优化及站点被搜索引擎收录设置 文章中的方法完成百度站点收录。
# 开始
首先简单介绍一下 Hexo ,Hexo 是一个快速、简洁且高效的博客框架。Hexo 使用 Markdown 或其他渲染引擎解析文章,在几秒内,即可利用靓丽的主题生成静态网页。现在我们开始搭建 Hexo ,详细步骤可参考官网指南。
# 安装
安装 Hexo 相当简单,只需要先安装下列应用程序即可:
- Node.js (Node.js 版本需不低于 10.13,建议使用 Node.js 12.0 及以上版本)
- Git
如果你的电脑中已经安装上述必备程序,那么可以直接开始执行以下命令安装 Hexo。
$ npm install -g hexo-cli |
# 建站
安装 Hexo 完成后,请执行下列命令,Hexo 将会在指定文件夹中新建所需要目录文件。
$ hexo init <folder> | |
$ cd <folder> | |
$ npm install |
$ hexo init D:\theDeveloping\hexo |
. | |
├── _config.yml | |
├── package.json | |
├── scaffolds | |
├── source | |
| ├── _drafts | |
| └── _posts | |
└── themes |
全局配置文件 _config.yml 保存网站的 配置 信息,你可以在此配置大部分的参数。项目清单文件 package.json 存储所有已安装软件包的名称和版本信息。
{ | |
"name": "hexo-site", | |
"version": "0.0.0", | |
"private": true, | |
"hexo": { | |
"version": "" | |
}, | |
"dependencies": { | |
"hexo": "^3.8.0", | |
"hexo-generator-archive": "^0.1.5", | |
"hexo-generator-category": "^0.1.3", | |
"hexo-generator-index": "^0.2.1", | |
"hexo-generator-tag": "^0.2.0", | |
"hexo-renderer-ejs": "^0.3.1", | |
"hexo-renderer-stylus": "^0.3.3", | |
"hexo-renderer-marked": "^0.3.2", | |
"hexo-server": "^0.3.3" | |
} | |
} |
如果要更换 Hexo 版本,修改 package.json 中 dependencies 配置项。
"hexo": "^5.0.0" |
执行 npm update 命令更新版本。
$ npm update |
# 依赖
Hexo 构建目录下执行安装依赖。
$ npm i |
# 插件
Hexo 构建目录下执行安装插件。
$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save |
# 启动
启动服务,默认访问网址为: http://localhost:4000/。
$ hexo server |
# 部署
我们继续将 Hexo 博客部署至 Github。
1. 在 Github 创建一个名称为 pitt1997.github.io 的仓库,注意最好使用个人 Github 账号名称来创建。
2.Github 仓库创建完成之后,修改 Hexo 全局配置文件 _config.yml ,在末尾追加以下配置项, repo 填写个人仓库对应地址。
deploy: | |
type: git | |
repo: git@github.com:pitt1997/pitt1997.github.io.git | |
branch: main |
3. 部署代码到 GitHub,需要提前配置 Github SSH 密钥,如果已经设置可不用再配置,如果没有配置可参考该文章,配置完成之后执行以下命令部署。
$ hexo clean | |
$ hexo g # 生成静态文件 | |
$ hexo d # 部署代码到 GitHub 上 |
4. 浏览器输入 https://pitt1997.github.io/ 就可以访问到我们的个人博客,如果部署后立即访问发现访问不到,那么需要再过一会再访问。
# 主题
我们已经完成 Hexo 默认安装以及部署,现在我们使用其他主题加载我们的个人博客。
# Theme Shoka
Shoka 主题相关链接如下。
主题主页:https://shoka.lostyu.me/ | |
文档说明:https://shoka.lostyu.me/computer-science/note/theme-shoka-doc/ | |
基本配置: https://shoka.lostyu.me/computer-science/note/theme-shoka-doc/config/ | |
页面配置: https://shoka.lostyu.me/computer-science/note/theme-shoka-doc/display/ | |
依赖插件: https://shoka.lostyu.me/computer-science/note/theme-shoka-doc/dependents/ |
# 1、快速安装
1、在 Hexo 构建目录下执行 Git 命令下载主题。
$ git clone https://github.com/amehime/hexo-theme-shoka.git ./themes/shoka |
2、让这个主题生效,需要修改全局配置文件 /_config.yml
,把主题改为 shoka 。
theme: shoka |
# 2、快速开始
Shoka 主题需要的相关依赖插件。
插件名称 | npm 地址 | 功能 | 依赖程度 |
hexo-renderer-multi-markdown-it | 链接 | md 文件渲染器,压缩 css/js/html | 必需 |
hexo-autoprefixer | 链接 | 给生成的 css 文件们添加浏览器前缀 | 必需 |
hexo-algoliasearch | 链接 | 站内搜索功能 | 搜索按钮失灵 |
hexo-symbols-count-time | 链接 | 文章或站点字数及阅读时间统计 | 统计没有 |
hexo-feed | 链接 | 生成 Feed 文件 | Feed 文件没有 |
没有正确安装以上插件的话,本主题会报错 or 无法正确显示 or 部分功能失效。 hexo-renderer-multi-markdown-it 请注意升级到最新版
npm 源可能存在无法正常下载的情况,这里提前设置 npm 源。
$ npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org |
依次执行 npm 安装命令开始安装相关依赖插件。
$ npm i hexo-renderer-multi-markdown-it --save | |
$ npm i hexo-autoprefixer --save | |
$ npm i hexo-algolia --save | |
$ npm i hexo-algoliasearch --save | |
$ npm i hexo-symbols-count-time --save | |
$ npm i hexo-feed --save |
# 3、主题配置文件
Shoka 主题配置文件 /shoka/_config.yml,以下是我个人配置文件参考:
# Alternate site name 站点名称 | |
alternate: pitt1997 | |
open_graph: | |
#twitter_id: | |
#google_plus: | |
#fb_admins: | |
#fb_app_id: | |
# Assets | |
statics: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/pitt1997/pitt1997.github.io@latest/ #/ #//cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/username/RepositoryName@latest/ | |
css: css | |
js: js | |
images: images | |
# themes/shoka/source/images/*** | |
favicon: | |
apple_touch_icon: /apple-touch-icon.png | |
#safari_pinned_tab: /logo.svg | |
#android_manifest: /manifest.json | |
#ms_browserconfig: /browserconfig.xml | |
# Dark Mode | |
# By default, the page judges whether to turn on the dark mode according to the device settings or user selection | |
# if `true`, the page will be displayed directly as Dark Mode, unless the user makes another choice | |
# 夜间模式 | |
darkmode: false | |
# By default the page will automatically scroll to the last viewed position | |
# if `false`, automatic positioning will be turned off | |
# 自动定位 自动定位到上次浏览的位置 | |
auto_scroll: true | |
# Whether to show the loading cat | |
# 是否显示页面加载动漫 就是每次都看到的那个猫猫 | |
loader: | |
start: false # When entering the page | |
switch: false # When switching to another page | |
# click with Firework | |
# 页面特效 单击页面的烟花效果 | |
fireworks: | |
enable: true | |
color: | |
# - "rgba(255,182,185,.9)" | |
# - "rgba(250,227,217,.9)" | |
# - "rgba(187,222,214,.9)" | |
# - "rgba(138,198,209,.9)" | |
# 加载谷歌字体 | |
font: | |
enable: true | |
# Font options: | |
# `external: true` will load this font family from `host` above. | |
# `family: Times New Roman`. Without any quotes. | |
# `size: x.x`. Use `em` as unit. Default: 1 (16px) | |
# Global font settings used for all elements inside <body>. | |
global: | |
external: true | |
family: Mulish | |
size: | |
# Font settings for alternate title. | |
# 备用字体 | |
logo: | |
external: true | |
family: Fredericka the Great | |
size: 3.5 | |
# Font settings for site title. | |
# 站点字体 | |
title: | |
external: true | |
family: Noto Serif JP | |
size: 2.5 | |
# Font settings for headlines (<h1> to <h6>). | |
headings: | |
external: true | |
family: Noto Serif SC | |
size: | |
# Font settings for posts. | |
posts: | |
external: true | |
family: | |
# Font settings for <code> and code blocks. | |
codes: | |
external: true | |
family: Inconsolata | |
# project of https://www.iconfont.cn/ | |
# //at.alicdn.com/t/font_1832207_c8i9n1ulxlt.css => 1832207_c8i9n1ulxlt | |
iconfont: "1832207_igi8uaupcus" | |
# 菜单 | |
menu: | |
首页: / || home | |
关于: /about/ || user | |
文章: | |
default: / || feather | |
归档: /archives/ || list-alt | |
分类: /categories/ || th | |
标签: /tags/ || tags | |
# friends: /friends/ || heart | |
# links: /links/ || magic | |
# Social Links | |
# Usage: `Key: permalink || icon || color` | |
# Key is the link label showing to end users. | |
# Value before `||` delimiter is the target permalink, | |
# secend value is the name of Font icon. | |
social: | |
github: https://github.com/pitt1997 || github || "#191717" | |
#google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google | |
#twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || twitter || "#00aff0" | |
#zhihu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/yourname || zhihu || "#1e88e5" | |
#music: https://music.163.com/#/user/home?id=yourid || cloud-music || "#e60026" | |
#weibo: https://weibo.com/yourname || weibo || "#ea716e" | |
#about: https://about.me/yourname || address-card || "#3b5998" | |
#email: mailto:yourname@mail.com || envelope || "#55acd5" | |
#facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook | |
#stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow | |
#youtube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube | |
#instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram | |
#skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skype | |
#douban: https://www.douban.com/people/yourname/ || douban | |
sidebar: | |
# Sidebar Position. | |
# position: left | |
position: right | |
# Replace the default avatar image and set the url here. | |
avatar: avatar.jpg | |
widgets: | |
# if true, will show random posts | |
# 显示随机文章 | |
random_posts: true | |
# if true, will show recent comments | |
# 显示最近评论 | |
recent_comments: true | |
footer: | |
# Specify the date when the site was setup. If not defined, current year will be used. | |
# 页尾全站统计局 | |
since: 2010 | |
icon: | |
name: sakura rotate | |
# Change the color of icon, using Hex Code. | |
color: "#ffc0cb" | |
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-symbols-count-time | |
count: true | |
powered: true | |
# 文章界面统计 | |
post: | |
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-symbols-count-time | |
count: true | |
# 奖励 这里我不需要 | |
# Reward (Donate) | |
#reward: | |
# # If true, reward will be displayed in every article by default. | |
# enable: true | |
# account: | |
# wechatpay: /wechatpay.png | |
# alipay: /alipay.png | |
# paypal: /paypal.png | |
# TagCloud settings for tags page. | |
tagcloud: | |
# All values below are same as default, change them by yourself. | |
min: 16 # Minimun font size in px | |
max: 22 # Maxium font size in px | |
start: "#72cecf" # Start color (hex, rgba, hsla or color keywords) | |
end: "#ffbac3" # End color (hex, rgba, hsla or color keywords) | |
amount: 200 # Amount of tags, change it if you have more than 200 tags | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Third Party Plugins & Services Settings | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Creative Commons 4.0 International License. | |
# See: https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/licensing-types-examples | |
# Available values of license: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero | |
# You can set a language value if you prefer a translated version of CC license, e.g. deed.zh | |
# CC licenses are available in 39 languages, you can find the specific and correct abbreviation you need on https://creativecommons.org | |
creative_commons: | |
license: by-nc-sa | |
language: zh-CN # deed.zh | |
# Comments | |
# Valine | |
# For more information: https://github.com/amehime/MiniValine | |
valine: | |
appId: appId # 配置你的 appId | |
appKey: appKey # 配置你的 appKey | |
placeholder: ヽ(○´∀`)ノ♪ # Comment box placeholder | |
avatar: mp # Gravatar style : mp, identicon, monsterid, wavatar, robohash, retro | |
pageSize: 10 # Pagination size | |
lang: zh-CN | |
visitor: true # Article reading statistic 文章阅读量统计 | |
NoRecordIP: false # Whether to record the commenter IP 不记录 IP | |
serverURLs: https://tmxxs.lc-cn-n1-shared.com # When the custom domain name is enabled, fill it in here (it will be detected automatically by default, no need to fill in) | |
powerMode: true | |
tagMeta: | |
visitor: 新朋友 | |
master: 主人 | |
friend: 小伙伴 | |
investor: 金主粑粑 | |
tagColor: | |
master: "var(--color-orange)" | |
friend: "var(--color-aqua)" | |
investor: "var(--color-pink)" | |
tagMember: | |
master: | |
# - hash of master@email.com | |
# - hash of master2@email.com | |
friend: | |
# - hash of friend@email.com | |
# - hash of friend2@email.com | |
investor: | |
# - hash of investor1@email.com | |
# bgm 背景音乐 | |
audio: | |
- title: 列表1 | |
list: | |
- https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2943811283 | |
- https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2297706586 | |
- title: 列表2 | |
list: | |
- https://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=2031842656 | |
# random image api | |
# 随机图库 | |
image_server: # "https://acg.xydwz.cn/api/api.php" | |
# Algolia Search | |
# For more information: https://www.algolia.com | |
search: | |
hits: | |
per_page: 10 | |
# Dependencies: https://github.com/amehime/hexo-renderer-multi-markdown-it | |
pangu: false | |
# Quicklink Support | |
# For more information: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink | |
quicklink: | |
# Custom a time in milliseconds by which the browser must execute prefetching. | |
timeout: 3000 | |
# Default (true) will attempt to use the fetch() API if supported (rather than link[rel=prefetch]). | |
priority: true | |
# For more flexibility you can add some patterns (RegExp, Function, or Array) to ignores. | |
# See: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink#custom-ignore-patterns | |
ignores: | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# analytics & SEO Settings | |
# --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
baidu_analytics: # <app_id> | |
# Disable Baidu transformation on mobile devices. | |
disable_baidu_transformation: true | |
# Automatically add external URL with Base64 encrypt & decrypt. | |
exturl: true | |
# Google Webmaster tools verification. | |
# See: https://www.google.com/webmasters | |
google_site_verification: | |
# Bing Webmaster tools verification. | |
# See: https://www.bing.com/webmaster | |
bing_site_verification: | |
# Yandex Webmaster tools verification. | |
# See: https://webmaster.yandex.ru | |
yandex_site_verification: | |
# Baidu Webmaster tools verification. | |
# See: https://ziyuan.baidu.com/site | |
baidu_site_verification: | |
# Enable baidu push so that the blog will push the url to baidu automatically which is very helpful for SEO. | |
baidu_push: false | |
# minify 配置,压缩 css/js/html | |
minify: | |
html: | |
enable: true | |
exclude: # 排除 hexo-feed 用到的模板文件 | |
- '**/json.ejs' | |
- '**/atom.ejs' | |
- '**/rss.ejs' | |
css: | |
enable: true | |
exclude: | |
- '**/*.min.css' | |
js: | |
enable: true | |
mangle: | |
toplevel: true | |
output: | |
compress: | |
exclude: | |
- '**/*.min.js' | |
# 代码高亮 | |
highlight: | |
enable: false | |
prismjs: | |
enable: false | |
autoprefixer: | |
exclude: | |
- '*.min.css' | |
keywords: java,git,cas #站点关键词,用 “,” 分隔 | |
feed: | |
limit: 20 | |
order_by: "-date" | |
tag_dir: false | |
category_dir: false | |
rss: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/rss.ejs" | |
output: "rss.xml" | |
atom: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/atom.ejs" | |
output: "atom.xml" | |
jsonFeed: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/json.ejs" | |
output: "feed.json" | |
#! --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
#! Script dependencies will be combined with jsDelivr (cdn.jsdelivr.net) | |
#! --------------------------------------------------------------- | |
vendors: | |
css: | |
katex: npm/katex@0.12.0/dist/katex.min.css | |
comment: css/comment.css | |
fancybox: combine/npm/@fancyapps/fancybox@3.5.7/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.css,npm/justifiedGallery@3.8.1/dist/css/justifiedGallery.min.css | |
js: | |
pace: npm/pace-js@1.0.2/pace.min.js | |
pjax: npm/pjax@0.2.8/pjax.min.js | |
fetch: npm/whatwg-fetch@3.4.0/dist/fetch.umd.min.js | |
anime: npm/animejs@3.2.0/lib/anime.min.js | |
algolia: npm/algoliasearch@4/dist/algoliasearch-lite.umd.js | |
instantsearch: npm/instantsearch.js@4/dist/instantsearch.production.min.js | |
lazyload: npm/lozad@1/dist/lozad.min.js | |
quicklink: npm/quicklink@2/dist/quicklink.umd.js | |
fancybox: combine/npm/jquery@3.5.1/dist/jquery.min.js,npm/@fancyapps/fancybox@3.5.7/dist/jquery.fancybox.min.js,npm/justifiedGallery@3.8.1/dist/js/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js | |
valine: gh/amehime/MiniValine@4.2.2-beta10/dist/MiniValine.min.js | |
copy_tex: npm/katex@0.12.0/dist/contrib/copy-tex.min.js | |
chart: npm/frappe-charts@1.5.0/dist/frappe-charts.min.iife.min.js |
# 4、全局配置文件
全局配置文件 _config.yml 的使用参考官网,基本照着官网来就好,个人全局配置文件参考:
# Hexo Configuration | |
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html | |
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/ | |
# Site | |
title: | |
subtitle: '真正的大师永远都怀着一颗学徒的心' | |
description: '欢迎来到 pitt1997 的个人博客!' | |
keywords: | |
author: pitt1997 | |
language: zh-CN | |
timezone: 'Asia/Shanghai' | |
# URL | |
## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as 'https://username.github.io/project' | |
url: https://pitt1997.github.io | |
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/ | |
permalink_defaults: | |
pretty_urls: | |
trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks | |
trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks | |
# Directory | |
source_dir: source | |
public_dir: public | |
tag_dir: tags | |
archive_dir: archives | |
category_dir: categories | |
code_dir: downloads/code | |
i18n_dir: :lang | |
skip_render: | |
# Writing | |
new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts | |
default_layout: post | |
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase | |
external_link: | |
enable: true # Open external links in new tab | |
field: site # Apply to the whole site | |
exclude: '' | |
filename_case: 0 | |
render_drafts: false | |
post_asset_folder: false | |
relative_link: false | |
future: true | |
# highlight: | |
# enable: true | |
# line_number: true | |
# auto_detect: false | |
# tab_replace: '' | |
# wrap: true | |
# hljs: false | |
# prismjs: | |
# enable: false | |
# preprocess: true | |
# line_number: true | |
# tab_replace: '' | |
highlight: | |
enable: false # edit for Theme.shoka | |
line_number: true | |
auto_detect: true | |
tab_replace: '' | |
prismjs: | |
enable: false # edit for Theme.shoka | |
# Home page setting | |
# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '') | |
# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination) | |
# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default) | |
index_generator: | |
path: '' | |
per_page: 10 | |
order_by: -date | |
# Category & Tag | |
# 这里配置分类和标签 | |
default_category: uncategorized | |
category_map: | |
Java基础: java | |
Hexo: Hexo | |
微服务: javamore | |
tag_map: | |
# Metadata elements | |
## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta | |
meta_generator: true | |
# Date / Time format | |
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date | |
## You can customize the date format as defined in | |
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ | |
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD | |
time_format: HH:mm:ss | |
## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty' | |
updated_option: 'mtime' | |
# Pagination | |
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination | |
per_page: 10 | |
pagination_dir: page | |
# Include / Exclude file(s) | |
## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder | |
include: | |
exclude: | |
ignore: | |
# Extensions | |
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/ | |
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/ | |
theme: shoka | |
# Deployment | |
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/one-command-deployment | |
deploy: | |
type: git | |
repo: git@github.com:pitt1997/pitt1997.github.io.git | |
branch: main | |
# edit for Theme.shoka | |
autoprefixer: | |
exclude: | |
- '*.min.css' | |
markdown: | |
render: # 渲染器设置 | |
html: false # 过滤 HTML 标签 | |
xhtmlOut: true # 使用 '/' 来闭合单标签 (比如 | |
)。 | |
breaks: true # 转换段落里的 '\n' 到 <br>。 | |
linkify: true # 将类似 URL 的文本自动转换为链接。 | |
typographer: | |
quotes: '“”‘’' | |
plugins: # markdown-it 插件设置 | |
- plugin: | |
name: markdown-it-toc-and-anchor | |
enable: true | |
options: # 文章目录以及锚点应用的 class 名称,shoka 主题必须设置成这样 | |
tocClassName: 'toc' | |
anchorClassName: 'anchor' | |
- plugin: | |
name: markdown-it-multimd-table | |
enable: true | |
options: | |
multiline: true | |
rowspan: true | |
headerless: true | |
- plugin: | |
name: ./markdown-it-furigana | |
enable: true | |
options: | |
fallbackParens: "()" | |
- plugin: | |
name: ./markdown-it-spoiler | |
enable: true | |
options: | |
title: "你知道得太多了" | |
minify: | |
html: | |
enable: true | |
stamp: false | |
exclude: | |
- '**/json.ejs' | |
- '**/atom.ejs' | |
- '**/rss.ejs' | |
css: | |
enable: true | |
stamp: false | |
exclude: | |
- '**/*.min.css' | |
js: | |
enable: true | |
stamp: false | |
mangle: | |
toplevel: true | |
output: | |
compress: | |
exclude: | |
- '**/*.min.js' | |
plugins: | |
- hexo-algoliasearch | |
algolia: | |
appId: "appId" | |
apiKey: "apiKey" | |
adminApiKey: "adminApiKey" | |
chunkSize: 5000 | |
indexName: "hexo-index" | |
fields: | |
- title #必须配置 | |
- path #必须配置 | |
- categories #推荐配置 | |
- content:strip:truncate,0,2000 | |
- gallery | |
- photos | |
- tags | |
filter: | |
- title | |
feed: | |
limit: 20 | |
order_by: "-date" | |
tag_dir: false | |
category_dir: false | |
rss: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/rss.ejs" | |
output: "rss.xml" | |
atom: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/atom.ejs" | |
output: "atom.xml" | |
jsonFeed: | |
enable: true | |
template: "themes/shoka/layout/_alternate/json.ejs" | |
output: "feed.json" | |
symbols_count_time: | |
symbols: true | |
time: true | |
total_symbols: true | |
total_time: true | |
exclude_codeblock: false | |
awl: 4 | |
wpm: 275 | |
suffix: "mins." |
# 5、编译部署
配置文件修改完成之后再执行一遍 hexo clean & hexo deploy 即可重新部署。
$ hexo clean | |
$ hexo deploy |
# 6、全局搜索
全局搜索 Algolia 的配置参考以下文章:
Hexo 集成 Algolia
Hexo 增加 Algolia 功能
完成 Algolia 注册之后,在全局配置文件中完成相关配置项:
algolia: | |
appId: #Your appId | |
apiKey: #Your apiKey | |
adminApiKey: #Your adminApiKey | |
chunkSize: 5000 | |
indexName: #"shoka" | |
fields: | |
- title #必须配置 | |
- path #必须配置 | |
- categories #推荐配置 | |
- content:strip:truncate,0,2000 | |
- gallery | |
- photos | |
- tags |
# 7、评论系统
无后端评论系统 Valine ,首先完成 如何获取 LeanCloud 的 appId 和 appKey。
valine: | |
appId: #Your_appId | |
appKey: #Your_appkey | |
placeholder: ヽ(○´∀`)ノ♪ # Comment box placeholder | |
avatar: mp # Gravatar style : mp, identicon, monsterid, wavatar, robohash, retro | |
pageSize: 10 # Pagination size | |
lang: zh-CN | |
visitor: true # 文章访问量统计 | |
NoRecordIP: false # 不记录 IP | |
serverURLs: # When the custom domain name is enabled, fill it in here (it will be detected automatically by default, no need to fill in) | |
powerMode: true # 默认打开评论框输入特效 | |
tagMeta: | |
visitor: 新朋友 | |
master: 主人 | |
friend: 小伙伴 | |
investor: 金主粑粑 | |
tagColor: | |
master: "var(--color-orange)" | |
friend: "var(--color-aqua)" | |
investor: "var(--color-pink)" | |
tagMember: | |
master: | |
# - hash of master@email.com | |
# - hash of master2@email.com | |
friend: | |
# - hash of friend@email.com | |
# - hash of friend2@email.com | |
investor: | |
# - hash of investor1@email.com |
# 8、图片 & 头像
要修改一些图片如头像,可以在 \themes\shoka\source\images
# 发布博客
# 创建文章
其中 title 为文章的标题。
$ hexo new "title" |
执行完成后 hexo 会根据目录下 scaffolds/post.md,在 source/_posts 文件夹下创建一个名为 title.md 的文件。
--- | |
title: hello-world | |
date: 2022-06-23 01:03:24 | |
tags: | |
--- | |
balabala...... |
# 部署文章
$ hexo g -c | |
$ hexo s | |
$ hexo d |
# 访问博客
# 个人域名访问
我们的博客已经可以通过 https://pitt1997.github.io/ 链接的形式进行访问,那么如何以其他域名的形式进行访问呢?首先需要注册一个腾讯云账户,在腾讯云上买一个域名,例如域名为 pitt1997.cloud,然后设置登录 GitHub,进入之前创建的仓库,点击 Settings - Code and automation - Pages 设置 Custom domain,输入你的域名,然后直接访问 http://pitt1997.cloud 就可以访问到博客。
# SEO 优化 & 站点收录
很多程序员朋友都有在 GitHub Pages 上搭建自己的个人博客,对于个人博客,没有被搜索引擎收录的话,别人基本是是看不到的。那么如何查看个人博客网站是否被收录?
# 站点地图
首先介绍一下站点地图,即 sitemap, 是一个页面,上面放置了网站上需要搜索引擎抓取的所有页面的链接。站点地图可以告诉搜索引擎网站上有哪些可供抓取的网页,以便搜索引擎可以更加智能地抓取网站。所以我们首先需要生成一个站点地图。
安装百度和 Google 的站点地图生成插件:
$ npm install hexo-generator-baidu-sitemap --save | |
$ npm install hexo-generator-sitemap --save |
全局配置文件_config.yml 添加站点目录,在下面添加:
# 站点地图 | |
sitemap: | |
path: sitemap.xml | |
baidusitemap: | |
path: baidusitemap.xml |
Hexo 命令 hexo clean & hexo deploy 然后重新推送到服务器,在访问如下 URL:
https://你的域名/sitemap.xml | |
https://你的域名/baidusitemap.xml |
看看有没有 XML 内容,有的话就成功。
# 百度收录
# 1、添加网站
验证网站有三种方式:文件验证、HTML 标签验证、CNAME 验证,我们选择 HTML 标签验证。
然后需要验证网站,我选择的是 https://,这根据你前面是否添加 SSL 证书来选择。并且我使用的是不带 www 的,看个人。然后到第三步,我使用的 HTML 标签验证。
把 content 中的字符串复制到主题配置文件中的 baidu_site_verification 下,主题配置文件 _config.yml 配置如下:
# Baidu Webmaster tools verification. | |
# See: https://ziyuan.baidu.com/site | |
baidu_site_verification: code-xxx | |
site_verification: | |
- name: baidu_site_verification | |
content: code-xxx |
# 2、验证成功
配置站点完成后重新 hexo deploy 部署到网站,然后点击上一步中的 "完成验证" 按钮,出现验证成功则完成验证,再次查看站点管理情况如下:
完成验证之后,会生成一个 token ,我们进入普通收录,获取 token。
可以看到我们使用资源提交的方式是 API 提交,也可使用 sitemap 和 手动提交的方式,具体可参考该文章。
# 3、提交链接
# 主动推送
$ npm install hexo-baidu-url-submit --save |
# 主动推送百度,被百度收录 | |
baidu_url_submit: | |
count: 10 # 提交最新的 10 个链接 | |
host: # 百度站长平台中注册的域名 | |
token: # 秘钥,百度站长平台 > 推送接口 > 接口调用地址中 token 字段 | |
path: baidu_urls.txt # 文本文档的地址, 新链接会保存在此文本文档里,不用改 |
host 配置就是我们博客的域名,即 https://pitt1997.github.io ,token 就是完成验证之后由站点生成的。其次,记得查看_config.yml 文件中 url 的值, 必须包含是百度站长平台注册的域名, 比如:
# URL | |
url: https://pitt1997.github.io |
然后,修改全局配置文件,修改 deploy 配置项,之前的配置项如下:
deploy: | |
type: git | |
repo: git@github.com:pitt1997/pitt1997.github.io.git | |
branch: main |
deploy: | |
- type: git | |
repo: git@github.com:pitt1997/pitt1997.github.io.git | |
branch: main | |
- type: baidu_url_submitter |
再次 hexo deploy 重新部署,可以看到推送成功的日志。
新链接的产生, hexo generate 会产生一个文本文件,里面包含最新的链接;新链接的提交, hexo deploy 会从上述文件中读取链接,提交至百度搜索引擎。
至此百度收录已经完成,后续通过 site:pitt1997.github.io 进行查询是否收录完成,然后就是百度的收录比较慢,其他网站的收录方式可参考该文章。
# 谷歌收录
提交谷歌搜索引擎比较简单,在提交之前,我们依然可以使用 site: 域名 查看网站是否被收录。进入谷歌站长,登录你的谷歌账号。然后如下操作,要是第一次就弹出一个让你输入域名的提示框,就直接输入你要收录的网站域名就行。首先开始使用,请先选择资源类型操作,具体链接。
# 维护博客
如果你现在在自己的笔记本上写的博客,部署在了网站上,那么你在家里用台式机,或者实验室的台式机,发现你电脑里面没有博客的文件,此时可以把博客的源码放到 Git 的私有仓库进行个人维护。
# 相关参考
- hexo 史上最全博客搭建
- Hexo+shoka 主题 + github 部署
- 使用 zeit.co 托管 hexo 静态博客
- 如何让百度收录 GitHub Pages 个人博客
- Hexo 框架 (六):SEO 优化及站点被搜索引擎收录设置